Episode 147

147-Rise by Lifting Others: Making a Difference through Kindness and Support

Episode Summary:

Welcome to "Make a Difference," a podcast that focuses on reflection and self-improvement. In this episode, host Mark Quinn explores the quote by Robert Ingersoll, "We rise by lifting others." The episode delves into the ways we can apply this principle in our daily lives to make a difference. Through acts of kindness, mentorship, empathy, collaboration, and self-care, we can uplift others and, in turn, elevate ourselves. The episode emphasizes the importance of supporting and uplifting those around us to create a more compassionate world.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acts of kindness and generosity, such as offering a listening ear or volunteering, have the power to uplift others and create a more compassionate world.
  • Mentorship and guidance can make a significant difference in someone's life, especially for those starting out on a similar path.
  • Cultivating empathy and understanding allows us to connect with others, lighten their burdens, and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Collaboration and teamwork are powerful ways to achieve more together than we could alone.
  • Prioritizing self-care is essential to show up for others and make a meaningful difference.

Notable Quotes:

  • "We rise by lifting others." - Robert Ingersoll
  • "Small gestures of kindness have the power to uplift others and continue to a more compassionate world."
  • "Your guidance and support can make a world of difference in helping somebody else navigate the challenges you've already been through."
  • "By empathizing with them and offering support without judgment, you can help lighten their burden and foster a sense of connection and belonging."
  • "Collaboration and teamwork are powerful ways to lift others up and achieve far more together than we could ever do alone."

To listen to the full episode and explore more insightful content, subscribe to the "Make a Difference" podcast. Stay tuned for future episodes that will help you reflect, improve, and make a difference in your personal outlook and life.




0:00:44 - (Mark): Welcome back to make a difference. In today's episode, we're going to be diving into a quote by Robert Ingersoll.


0:01:00 - (Mark): They remind us that our own growth.


0:01:09 - (Mark): In our daily lives to truly make a difference?


0:01:17 - (Mark): Whether it's offering a listening ear to a friend in need, lending a helping hand to a stranger, or volunteering your.


0:01:26 - (Mark): Small gestures of kindness have the power to uplift others and continue to a more compassionate world. Another way to rise by lifting others.


0:01:39 - (Mark): If you have achieved success in a particular area of your life, consider paying it forward by mentoring someone who's just.


0:01:48 - (Mark): Your guidance and support can make a world of difference in helping somebody else.


0:02:03 - (Mark): Take the time to truly listen to the experiences and perspectives of those around you and seek to understand their struggles and triumphs.


0:02:19 - (Mark): Collaboration and teamwork are also very powerful.


0:02:24 - (Mark): Instead of viewing others as competitors strive to collaborate and work towards common goals.


0:02:33 - (Mark): Can achieve far more together than we.


0:02:43 - (Mark): Just as we strive to support and uplift those around us, it's equally important.


0:02:55 - (Mark): We're better equipped to show up for others and make a meaningful difference when.


0:03:06 - (Mark): At lifting up others so that we.


0:03:14 - (Mark): Kindness, mentorship, empathy, collaboration or self care.


0:03:21 - (Mark): Not only elevating them, but we're elevating ourselves.


0:03:31 - (Mark): If you like what you're hearing on the show, make the choice to subscribe today. The show is gaining listeners all over the world, and we're grateful for your support. If you have any thoughts or comments about the show, reach out to us at at makeadferencenow 2020 at@gmail.com we look forward to seeing you on our next episode.

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Make a Difference
The 1st step to a different view...

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Mark Quinn